Monday, January 13, 2014

Nica Puro By: Alec Bradley

This cigar measures at 6X52 and has a reddish soft brown wrapper.  I decided to pair this cigar with some rum punch.  After first light the cigar started off with a lot of great flavor.  The first flavors were delicious and obvious to pick out.  A sharp coffee and black pepper spice hit my palette with a punch keeping the same flavor in my mouth all the way into the next draw.  The cigar was very smooth and had creamy feel to the smoke.  It left a coating on my tongue which was enjoyable and unusual as far as cigars go(In my experience).  The cigar burns down about an inch and keeps the same flavors and creaminess and is very complex and tasty.  Its holding a solid medium to full body

Now I'm at the half way point and the flavors have calmed down quite a bit, which I found as a bit of a disappointment as I was really enjoying the previous flavors.  The coffee and spice were met with a dry cedar that eliminated the creamy feeling and sensation on my tongue.  But did go well with the rum punch as apposed to a straight coffee and spice.  The coffee and spice were still present but started not stay as long after the draw and the flavor was no where near as intense. At this point it has drop down to a mild to medium, but staying more medium in body.  The cedar is nice and stays all the way to the last two inches of the cigar.  The burn was not razor-sharp all the way through the experience but didn't require any touch ups or attention.  The smoke stayed quit cool and did not give me the chard tobacco flavor I get from most cigars as they are coming to a close.

Burn/construction: good, not great
Flavor: very enjoyable for the first half.
Burn time: 1 hour 13 minutes.
Overall from 1-100......

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