Sunday, April 13, 2014

Alec Bradley American Sungrown in Toro

This 6 X 50 dark brown cigar has a flawless appearance.  There are no visible seems or veins.  It is slightly toothy and has an oily wrapper.  First light reveals a dark tobacco and black pepper on the draw with a light cedar on the finish.  The pepper is at about a 4-10 on the pepper scale.  Its not to intense but is present.  The draw is perfect, slight resistance and is giving off huge plumes of smoke.  Its at a mild to medium in body.  After about a quarter inch or so the flavors stayed the same and the burn was near razor sharp.

After about two inches some flavor changes started to happen. The dark tobacco and  pepper remain on the draw.  A cedar and rich coffee flavor started to come in on the finish.  The coffee and and cedar stay on the palate all the way until the next draw.  The body is up to a solid medium and is starting to push to a full. Smoke out put has stayed the same.  Huge plumes of smoke fill the room after every draw and is quite aromatic.  It smells of sweet cedar, hay.  The burn has become slightly wavy, but is giving no issues and self corrects any time it gets off track.

At the four inch mark some more flavors come into play.  One the draw the dark tobacco flavor and pepper are still there.  On the finish a nice nuttiness has developed and are mixing well with the cedar and coffee.  Every other puff or so and nice dark chocolate note comes in on the finish.  It stays for just a few seconds.  Its very sweet and very rich.  I wish it would stay longer on the finish, but its quickly muted by the cedar and coffee flavor moments after the draw.  The burn is still going well and never presented any problems

With about two and a quarter inches left the cigar started to get warm and mushy.  The pepper and nut flavor are dominating the draw and finish, and have become rather bitter and unpleasant.  I sat the cigar in the ash try for the last time at the 1 hour and 26 minute mark.

Price: $5.25
Appearance: 95
Draw: 95
Burn: 92
Flavor: 93
Burn Time: 92

Overall Score: 93

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Decided to smoke only Alec Bradley cigars this weekend....Here's a photo of what I smoked!

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