Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Cuban Partagas Serie P No. 2

Today we have the Partagas Serie P No.2.  This will be my first Cuban cigar review.  This medium brown torpedo shaped cigar has no visible veins or seems and is flawless in appearance.  It comes in at 6 1/8 X 52.  After lighting the draw is perfect with just the right amount of resistance.  The draw flavor is a nice black pepper flavor and heat on the palate.  A creamy cedar is also present on the draw.  The black pepper through the nose is medium in heat.  The finish continues the black pepper flavor along with some sweet cedar and tobacco notes.  The flavors are nice but do not stick around on the palate long on the finish.  The body is at a mild to medium.  The burn through the first inch is razor sharp.

Two inches down and the flavors on the draw and finish remain the same with a few minor additions.  The creamy cedar and black pepper are still the main flavors, however a nice leather note has come in on the finish.  Every few puffs some earthiness starts to come in as well.  The black pepper spice has died down to a mild through the nose on the retro hale.  The flavors are starting to get more intense overall and the body is now at a solid medium.  The burn has gone slightly wavy but has not required any attention nor touch ups.

Four inches down the cigar and a nice transition has taken place.  The finish now has a nice cinnamon and nut meg note.  It is mixing nicely with the black pepper, creamy cedar, and leather.  The body is now at a medium to full.  The burn has remained wavy but not an issue.  The cigars flavors have been very smooth and delicious all the way down.

With just over an inch to go the cigars flavors have been washed out by a chard tobacco flavor.  The cigar started to get warm and mushy and I sat it down for the last time at the 1 hour and 52 minute mark.  Overall, this was a very tasty cigar that didn't have a lot of transitions but was still very delightful.  The burn time for this cigar was excellent as well.  This cigar was purchased at La Casa Del Habano in Grand Cayman, November 2017.

Price: $15.75
Appearance: 10/10
Draw: 20/20
Burn: 19/20
Flavor: 18/20
Complexity: 16/20
Burn Time: 10/10

Overall Score: 93 / Great Cigar

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